Tuesday, September 30, 2008


OMG!!!!!!!! What have we become? I am an American taxpayer who is absolutely fed up with the bailout. Now, I know that if some measure is not agreed on then we as a whole are in a pot of financial trouble. However, I am sick to death of the idea that I may eventually pay for the bad decisions of others who already make more in a day than I do in a year. Can I get an AMEN? If I made the same kind of bad decisions I would be in jail by now and the government would not even think about helping me out. We actually used to have a debtors prison. AND like it or not, I can assure you that if Obama is elected, no matter what, you and I who are the "Middle Income" folks will be in even worse shape. If you do not believe me, look for yourself on the Citizen's Against Government Waste (CAGW) website. Anyway I will rant about that another time. The point is that I pay my bills, and yet the lending restrictions are becoming more stringent across the board...what the hell is that? I have 2 kids that will be in college in the next couple of years, and why should they not have the opportunity to attend the University of their choice after all their hard work to keep their grades up? Why should I be penalized with stricter lending standards and not be able to purchase my home when I have an IMMACULATE rental history and pay my bills???? I have worked hard AND served my country, in WAR and PEACE, and that being said, I truly believe that I and others like me deserve better than this. AND this may not be popular, but if we were not shelling out MILLIONS of dollars for ILLEGAL ALIENS benefits, we may be in a little better shape fiscally. We spend between 30 and 40 BILLION DOLLARS annually on benefits, incarceration, and legal fees involved with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (Center for Immigration Studies). AND now I have to "PRESS 1 FOR ENGLISH", in America.....are you flippin kidding me???? Hmm....40 BILLION....what could I do with that, or you????? Heck that is enough to give every LEGAL American over the age of 18 APPROX. $120,000.... WOW..I am thinking that could bail out an ailing economy, AND that is a drop in the bucket compared to $700 BILLION. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!

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