Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What have we done????????

Well we've gone and done it.....and may GOD have mercy on our souls, for we as a nation obviously do not know what we do. I can truly say that this is a day in which I am ALMOST ashamed to be an American. A muslim for president with a wife who cannot stand America. I can only say that as much as I would like to laugh at all who voted for Hussien (obama) in 6 months, I am sorely afraid that we as a whole will be in NO position to laugh at anything. Take heed America, a dark curtain has fallen on America (NO RACIAL PUN INTENDED!!!). I only hope that we survive without collapsing from within. I will never understand how so many can be so blind, but in P. T. Barnum's famous words, "There is a sucker born every minute"!!! Mark my words, we will rue the day we allowed someone with Hussiens agendas and beliefs to come into power. I only hope our taxes don't get too high to support his welfare programs, our population does not get to high to support due to illegal immigration, and terrorists don't do to much IRREPERABLE damage to our country. But as a whole I guess anyone who votes for a SOCIALST AGENDA LIAR deserves what they get. I am truly ashamed of Americans who did this to us all, and hopefully they reap as they have sown. Wake up America, bigger government is not better, and can only be paid for by increased taxes...but it is now too late.....good luck and enjoy supporting socialism and welfare!!!!