Saturday, January 26, 2008

What the hell??

Well here goes, my first blog. I have brought myself to do this simply because I am a concerned, though sometimes angry, American. With this first post I am going to kinda lay my ground rules for this post, and frequently I will post the things that are on my mind. First of all, just so there is NO question, I am not prejudiced, biggoted, racist, supremicist, a hater, or any other negative connotation that may come to mind. I DO NOT want this page turned into a hate thing in any way. I am also not a religous zealot, however I do believe that there are aspects of the Bible that and God that deserve a place in our society and you will see that creep into the discussions sometime and how they play a part in some of my personal beliefs. I will express my views about various subjects, and that is my perogative. I have proudly served my country in the armed forces, and may even throw in a funny story from my service here and there for fun. The point is, I have defended everyone else's right to freedom of speech, so I think I deserve a little latitude with my views. If you agree with what I post, let me know. If you do not agree, again, please let me know. However I AM NOT HERE TO FIGHT AND ARGUE!! I will entertain debate because I am willing to open my mind to ideas that are outside MY box, and evauluate your opinions and how they coincide or vary from mine, because I will be the first to admit that MY way of thinking may not always be the RIGHT way of thinking, and maybe I just have not had all of the FACTS to evaluate.

So, that being said, I hope this is a good experience, for you and for me, and I hope that my letting off MY steam may have some merit. Please understand it is not my intention to purposefully offend anyone with my posts, but do know it my happen. IT IS MY PAGE! If I offend you, I welcome a response from you. If I offend you, basically you have two choices, respond in an educated manner or leave and don't come back. IT IS MY PAGE!! Also my language may be a bit profane at times, but not terribly so, and that is a bad habit derived from years in the military. If it offends you, basically you have two choices, respond in an educated manner or leave and don't come back.

So here goes with the first. Although I am not prejudiced, racist, biggoted or male chauvinistic, which my many african-american, spanish, puerto rican, and oriental friends can attest to, I still have my beliefs, and am entitled to those beliefs, and my friends know what they are, and are still my friends, even if we don't completly see eye to eye. There is only one kind of person that I cannot tolerate and out and out DESPISE: STUPID PEOPLE!!!! Let me say that again, I don't hate black people, asians, mexicans, middle easterners, or anyone of a particular race. I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!! If you are white and stupid, I don't like you! If you are spanish and stupid, I don't like you! If you are ukranian, black, irish, scottish, jamican, iraniain, asian, yellow, green, purple, blue, orange, pink or brown, I don't care, but if you are STUPID and any of the above, I don't like you!

So I guess my first bitch to lead it off is the people who bitch about God being associated with anything government, like the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer in congress, the Ten Commandments at gov't buildings, or prayer to start a high school football game. Our country was founded by people who believed in godly principles and knew that God needed to be a part of our nation or it would turn out is today!! Kids with no respect for authority or themselves, rampant crime and drugs, outlandish teenage pregnancy, the list goes on. Now, god should not be forced on you in a gov't setting, I can agree with that, and that is where seperation of church and state comes in. When our forefathers came to America, the Roman Catholic Church ruled most of Europe, and religion controlled gov't. Our forefathers saw that was not in the best intrest of the common people, and therefore provided for a sepration of church and state.....meaning.....America was a democracy and no church should rule the country like it did in europe. It doesn't mean that "under God" should be taken out of the pledge, it means if you don't want to say it, or don't want your children saying it, then you have the right not to. BUT you do not have the right to take away MY rights by having the pledge removed from public schools.

Last time I checked you all weren't living off the land and foraging for food or shelter. were using our currency, which says "In God We Trust" to pay you house payment, car note, buy groceries, and even pay for your cable......Now if that is not a double standard, and a clear case of two facedness, I don't know what is.

IF YOU THINK GOD HAS NO PLACE IN OUR GOV'T, THAT IS FINE, BUT QUIT USING OUR U.S. CURRENCY FOR YOUR LUXURY AND LIVING. And I say that with all sincerety, because to me that is an incredible lack of standards. Why should I trust you or consider your principles when you don't even live by them???

Oh, and by the way, I can assure you, that no matter what you believe, which is your perogative, it is true that: THERE ARE NO ATHIEST IN FOXHOLES OR FIRE FIGHTS!!!!!

Well that wraps up my bit for the day, just some food for thought, let me know yours, but in an educated manner please. Thanks, Concerned American